Exhibition Critique by Oğuz Karakütük: Outside the sentence
there was a city
Salt Ulus
May 28, 2016 16.00

Emlak Kredi (Emlak & Eytam) Bank building (today PTT Stamp Museum), Ankara
Photograph: Metehan Özcan, 2011
Photograph: Metehan Özcan, 2011
A critical exhibition tour, led by photographer Oğuz Karakütük, will analyze the context of possibilities of “expression” in the works included in Outside the sentence there was a city. Connections and connotations between the works and specific literary references will be discussed.
The program will be held in Turkish and is limited to 15 people.
For more information and reservation:
0312 324 3024
The program will be held in Turkish and is limited to 15 people.
For more information and reservation:
0312 324 3024