It was a time of conversation

It was a time of conversation is an archive and research project. It revisits the story of three exhibitions that took place in the first half of the 1990s in Turkey: Elli Numara: Anı Bellek II [Number Fifty: Memory/Recollection II], GAR [Railway Station] and Küreselleşme–Devlet, Sefalet, Şiddet [Globalization–State, Misery, Violence]. In 2012, SALT visualized the research in the form of an exhibition at SALT Galata in the Open Archive. This was followed by a more developed presentation of the exhibition at SALT Ulus in 2013.
This publication, prepared in parallel with the exhibition, brings together texts by Ali Akay, Selim Birsel, Burak Delier, Vasıf Kortun and Emre Zeytinoğlu to present a wide variety of information, documents, videos and photographs gathered in collaboration with the exhibitions' organizers, artists and assistants.
Research and content: Sezin Romi (SALT Research)
Translation: g yayın grubu
Book design: Project Projects
Artwork: Gülsüm Kekeç, , Dilek Turan (SALT Research and Programs)
Publication assistant: Ayşe Köklü
ISBN: 978-9944-731-34-8
This publication, prepared in parallel with the exhibition, brings together texts by Ali Akay, Selim Birsel, Burak Delier, Vasıf Kortun and Emre Zeytinoğlu to present a wide variety of information, documents, videos and photographs gathered in collaboration with the exhibitions' organizers, artists and assistants.
Research and content: Sezin Romi (SALT Research)
Translation: g yayın grubu
Book design: Project Projects
Artwork: Gülsüm Kekeç, , Dilek Turan (SALT Research and Programs)
Publication assistant: Ayşe Köklü
ISBN: 978-9944-731-34-8
- Preface
- Introduction
- About Number Fifty: Memory/Recollection II
- Number Fifty: Memory/Recollection II Catalogue Text
- On the Archive Room in the Memory/Recollection II Exhibition
- About GAR
- GAR was Yesterday, Tomorrow is Uncertain
- About Globalization-State, Misery, Violence
- Rewriting an Exhibition