7th Which Human Rights?
Film Festival
Salt Beyoğlu
December 8, 2015 15.00 – 20.40

Still from the film Expedition to the End of the World (2013)
SALT Beyoğlu, Walk-in Cinema
Expedition to the End of the World (2013)
Director: Daniel Dencik
90 minutes
Danish; Turkish and English subtitles
If Mama Ain’t Happy, Nobody’s Happy (2014)
Director: Mea de Jong
25 minutes
Dutch; Turkish subtitles
A Separation (2013)
Director: Karin Ekberg
72 minutes
Swedish; Turkish and English subtitles
The Quiet One (2011)
Director: Emelie Wallgren, Ina Holmqvist
30 minutes
Swedish; Turkish and English subtitles
Home* (2015)
Director: Rafat Alzakout
70 minutes
Arabic; Turkish and English subtitles
*With the participation of the director or team