Exhibition Critique
by Melis Golar
and Mert Acar:
Outside the sentence
there was a city
Salt Ulus
May 12, 2016 18.30

Outside the sentence there was a city, SALT Ulus, 2016
Photograph: Cemil Batur Gökçeer
Photograph: Cemil Batur Gökçeer
In an exhibition critique led by curator Melis Golar and artist Mert Acar, works in Outside the sentence there was a city will be discussed via the perspective of the urban mass and the individual. The conversation will also analyze how differently the city is related to as a local and as an outsider, via the conditions of visual consumption, coexistence and disillusionment or acceptance.
The program will be held in Turkish and is limited to 15 participants.
For more information and reservation:
0312 324 3024
The program will be held in Turkish and is limited to 15 participants.
For more information and reservation:
0312 324 3024