November 23, 2024

Le Bois dont les rêves
sont faits
[The Woods Dreams
Are Made Of]

Salt Galata

September 23, 2016 20.00

Leboisdontlesrevessontfaits 20152 <i>Le Bois dont les rêves sont faits</i> [Hayallerin Kurulduğu Orman] (2015) belgeselinden bir kare ©Be for Films
Still from the film Le Bois dont les rêves sont faits [The Woods Dreams Are Made Of] (2015) ©Be for Films
SALT Galata, Auditorium

Le Bois dont les rêves sont faits [The Woods Dreams Are Made Of] (2015)
Director: Claire Simon
146 minutes
French; Turkish subtitles

As a lost Eden within everyone’s grasp, all who visit Bois de Vincennes seek refuge in nature. People from all walks of life have the right to be there: rich, poor, French, foreign, gay, straight, alone or accompanied, traditional or modern. The Woods, as depicted in Le Bois dont les rêves sont faits [The Woods Dreams Are Made Of], are an island surrounded by the Parisian suburbs that encircle it: a mirage imagined by a fatigued city-dweller. The difficulties of city life are forgotten. In the Woods people heal, engage, find entertainment and dream. Throughout the seasons, the series of exchanges speak of a utopia that everyone imagines for themselves.

This screening is organized in collaboration with the Institut français de Turquie à Istanbul. Free admission.
