Talk: Işıl Baysan Serim
Screening: Minotauro
Salt Galata
April 6, 2017 19.00

SALT Galata, Workshop II-III
19.00 Talk: Işıl Baysam Serim
Home as a Space for the Mythical, Poetic and Oneiric Encounters
20.00 Film Selection by Fol: Minotauro by Nicolás Pereda
Organized by Sharjah Art Foundation, the event is hosted by SALT Galata. For more information, click here.
19.00 Talk: Işıl Baysam Serim
Home as a Space for the Mythical, Poetic and Oneiric Encounters
20.00 Film Selection by Fol: Minotauro by Nicolás Pereda
Organized by Sharjah Art Foundation, the event is hosted by SALT Galata. For more information, click here.