Who's in town?
Sohrab Mohebbi

It is obvious from the map

Salt Galata

June 14, 2017 19.00

Djordjebalmazovic Škart kolektifinden Đorđe Balmazović ve Sırbistan’daki Banja Koviljača Kampı’ndaki sığınmacıların iş birliğiyle, Sırbistan, 2015 (Sanatçının ve Grupa 484’ün izniyle)
Đorđe Balmazović of Škart collective in collaboration with asylum seekers in Banja Koviljača Camp in Serbia, 2015 (courtesy the artist and Grupa 484)
SALT Galata, Workshop IV

In this “Who’s in town?” talk, writer and curator Sohrab Mohebbi will discuss how the exhibition, It is obvious from the map (2016), presented three different moments of map-making from the current migration routes. Mohebbi’s presentation will trace these paths leading across or around the Mediterranean, charting the complex politics of migratory representations.

Taking its title from a detailed annotation on a fragment of a map depicting the border between Hungary and Serbia, It is obvious from the map investigated the role of maps and map-making in the large-scale migration from the conflict zones of the Middle East and Africa towards Europe. Co-curated by Mohebbi and Thomas Keenan, the exhibition was featured in the 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial.

The talk will be held in English.

Based in Los Angeles, Sohrab Mohebbi is currently the associate curator at REDCAT.