Festival Mahalla

Culture in Transition

Salt Galata

September 19 – September 20, 2017

Loveboat 2016 <i>Love Boat</i> (2016) filminden bir kare
Nawar Bulbul'un izniyle
Still from Love Boat (2016)
Courtesy Nawar Bulbul
September 19, 11.00
September 20, 11.00
Auditorium and Workshop II-III

Hosted by SALT Galata and organized by diyalog-der and InEnArt in cooperation with Goethe-Institut Istanbul, the Italian Cultural Institute, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation Istanbul, Avusturya Kültür Ofisi, and Kulturakademie Tarabya, the event will be held in English.

For more information, click here.