What will happen to
Şişhane's lighting workshops?

Salt Beyoğlu

November 22, 2011 18.30

Aslı Kıyak İngin
SALT Beyoğlu 2. Floor

Since 2006, architect, designer and activist Aslı Kıyak İngin has coordinated Made in Şişhane, a project bringing attention to the social role of design and development in the neighborhood via local and international activities. For the past five years, she has also worked to stop destruction of Sulukule—an İstanbul neighborhood formerly housing a large Romanian community—through the development of participatory, sustainable housing practices. She served as Vice President of the Industrial Designers Professional Organization (İstanbul Branch) from 2006-2009, and as Board Chairman of the Human Settlement Association from 2008-2010. İngin’s discussions with Boğaçhan Dündaralp and Nilüfer Kozikoğlu around İstanbul’s architecture were published by Garanti Gallery as İstanbul Para-Doksa in 2010.

The talk will be held in Turkish.