Geert Lovink and Andreas Treske
From Distraction to Exodus: The Facebook Saga
Salt Ankara
April 24, 2018 19.00

Photo: Mustafa Hazneci, SALT Research and Programs, 2018
Media theorist and internet critic Geert Lovink will be in conversation with filmmaker and media artist Andreas Treske to discuss the following questions: How should alternative network architectures look? Should our strategy be radical decentralization or should we still aim at scaling up in order to reach a critical mass? What’s the right mixture of digital despair, radical critique and utopian promises?
Organized by SALT Ankara in collaboration with Bilkent University, and taking place at KA Fotoğraf Geliştirme Atölyesi, this public program will be held in English.
Geert Lovink is the author of a number of books, including Social Media Abyss: Critical Internet Cultures and the Force of Negation (Polity, 2016), Networks without a Cause: A Critique of Social Media (Polity, 2012), and Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture (Routledge, 2007). Dealing with digital publishing and the future of art criticism in his recent projects, Lovink teaches at the European Graduate School (Saas-Fee/Malta) where he supervises PhD students.
Andreas Treske is a member of the network Video Vortex, and the author of the books Video Theory: Online Video Aesthetics or the Afterlife of Video (transcript Verlag, 2015), and The Inner Life of Video Spheres: Theory for YouTube Generation (Network Notebooks, 2013). He teaches in the Department of Communication and Design at Bilkent University, Ankara.
Organized by SALT Ankara in collaboration with Bilkent University, and taking place at KA Fotoğraf Geliştirme Atölyesi, this public program will be held in English.
Geert Lovink is the author of a number of books, including Social Media Abyss: Critical Internet Cultures and the Force of Negation (Polity, 2016), Networks without a Cause: A Critique of Social Media (Polity, 2012), and Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture (Routledge, 2007). Dealing with digital publishing and the future of art criticism in his recent projects, Lovink teaches at the European Graduate School (Saas-Fee/Malta) where he supervises PhD students.
Andreas Treske is a member of the network Video Vortex, and the author of the books Video Theory: Online Video Aesthetics or the Afterlife of Video (transcript Verlag, 2015), and The Inner Life of Video Spheres: Theory for YouTube Generation (Network Notebooks, 2013). He teaches in the Department of Communication and Design at Bilkent University, Ankara.