Office of Useful Art Talks: Emily C. Arauz
Salt Galata
December 6, 2018 19.00

“Making Waves: Boat Making Workshop for Newcomers”, Berlin, 2017
Courtesy Daniel Seiple
Courtesy Daniel Seiple
Floor 3
Users, Usefulness & the [f]Utility of Labels
Based on her investigation of community-driven creative projects related to migration issues in Berlin and Amsterdam, Emily C. Arauz will give a talk on the role of users in social practice while questioning the application of labels in artistic research. She will argue how users shape projects through use, beyond initiators’ intentions, and subsequently construct new meanings.
A PhD scholar at Koç University in the Department of Archaeology and History of Art, Arauz’s research titled Cultural Heritage, Creative Practice & Communities: Activating Migratory Heritages through Socially Engaged Art brings diverse voices into contemporary art historical discourses. She proposes that self-reflexive methodologies force a confrontation of the fundamental usefulness of applying social practice labels to creative projects in the context of academic research, prompting critical questions: What is the role of the researcher in social practice art? What is the usefulness of defining projects as Arte Útil?
The talk will be held in English.
Users, Usefulness & the [f]Utility of Labels
Based on her investigation of community-driven creative projects related to migration issues in Berlin and Amsterdam, Emily C. Arauz will give a talk on the role of users in social practice while questioning the application of labels in artistic research. She will argue how users shape projects through use, beyond initiators’ intentions, and subsequently construct new meanings.
A PhD scholar at Koç University in the Department of Archaeology and History of Art, Arauz’s research titled Cultural Heritage, Creative Practice & Communities: Activating Migratory Heritages through Socially Engaged Art brings diverse voices into contemporary art historical discourses. She proposes that self-reflexive methodologies force a confrontation of the fundamental usefulness of applying social practice labels to creative projects in the context of academic research, prompting critical questions: What is the role of the researcher in social practice art? What is the usefulness of defining projects as Arte Útil?
The talk will be held in English.