Talk: Naeem Mohaiemen

Salt Beyoğlu

January 23, 2019 19.00

Twomeetingsandafuneral 2017 Naeem Mohaiemen’in <i>Two Meetings and a Funeral</i> [İki Toplantı ve Bir Cenaze] (2017) videosundan bir kare
Sanatçı ve Experimenter’in (Kalküta) izniyle
Still from Naeem Mohaiemen’s video Two Meetings and a Funeral (2017)
Courtesy the artist and Experimenter, Kolkata
Walk-in Cinema

Artist and historian Naeem Mohaiemen will give a talk on the opening night of Prisoners of Correct History at SALT Beyoğlu.

Mohaiemen’s practice includes research on shared stories and legends, which form a core element of collective historical memory. Focusing on the Third World internationalism through Bangladesh’s postcolonial journey, his works in the exhibition reflect the role of unreliable memory in both official and informal histories by narratives of loss and failure, with a glimmer of hope, and also caution about future politics.

This public talk will be held in English. The exhibition will be on view until April 28.