Long Thursday
February 2019
Salt Beyoğlu
February 28, 2019 19.30 – 22.00

On the first Long Thursday of 2019, SALT Beyoğlu will host the 10th BİLGİ New Music Festival, which brings young composers from Turkey with international chamber music ensembles together. Founded in 2007 in Athens, ENSEMBLE ARTéfacts will perform nine compositions by Deniz Can Barış, İpek Ektaş, Kristina Golubkova, Aslıhan Kabukçu, Aslı Kobaner, Can Memişoğulları, Emir Can Pehlivan, Ceren Şepçi and Anıl Berk Zamandar, along with selected pieces from their repertoire.
The program in the Walk-in Cinema is free and open to all.
Guido De Flaviis: Saxophone
Ilias Sdoukos: Viola
Kostas Tzekos: Bass clarinet
Louizos Aslanidis: Director
Spiros Tzekos: Clarinet
Stella Tsani: Violin
Theo Vazakas: Percussion
On Long Thursday, the exhibition Prisoners of Correct History and Robinson Crusoe 389 bookstore at SALT Beyoğlu, as well as SALT Galata building will be open until 22.00.
The program in the Walk-in Cinema is free and open to all.
Guido De Flaviis: Saxophone
Ilias Sdoukos: Viola
Kostas Tzekos: Bass clarinet
Louizos Aslanidis: Director
Spiros Tzekos: Clarinet
Stella Tsani: Violin
Theo Vazakas: Percussion
On Long Thursday, the exhibition Prisoners of Correct History and Robinson Crusoe 389 bookstore at SALT Beyoğlu, as well as SALT Galata building will be open until 22.00.