December 12, 2024
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Is this our last chance?
The Reluctant Radical

Salt Beyoğlu

December 8, 2019 16.00

Thereluctantradical 2018 <i>The Reluctant Radical</i> [Zoraki Radikal] (2018) filminden bir kare ©Lindsey Grayzel
Still from The Reluctant Radical (2018) ©Lindsey Grayzel
Walk-in Cinema

The Reluctant Radical (2018)
Director: Lindsey Grayzel
77 minutes
English; Turkish subtitles

If a crime is committed in order to prevent a greater crime, is it forgivable? Is it, in fact, necessary?

The Reluctant Radical (2018) follows activist Ken Ward as he confronts his fears and puts himself in the direct path of the fossil fuel industry to combat climate change. After many years’ experience in environmental organizations, his strong sense of responsibility towards future generations leads him to non-violent civil disobedience by taking the risk of a long prison sentence.

Revealing both the personal costs and also the inner fulfillment, the documentary leaves the audience wondering if Ward is out of touch with reality, or if it is the rest of society that is delusional for not acting when faced with the unsettling evidence that we are collectively destroying our world.

*People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is the money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth! –Vegan climate activist Greta Thunberg, the United Nations Climate Action Summit 2019

The public screening is free. Reservations are not accepted.

In accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 5224 amended on 18.01.2019,
films that have not been assessed and classified by the General Directorate of Cinema, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Turkey, can only be screened under the classification of 18+ at festivals, special screenings or similar culture and arts events.
