Lecture Performance: Stories in Sound
Salt Galata
March 13, 2020 12.00 – 18.00

A photograph from Caty Enders’ installation Stories in Sound, 2019
Courtesy Camille Blake and radialsystem, Berlin
Courtesy Camille Blake and radialsystem, Berlin
Lecture performance and Q&A session at 19.00 is cancelled.
Floor 1, Workshop II-II
12.00-18.00 Sound installation
19.00 Lecture performance, followed by a Q&A - Cancelled
The Forever Show, a podcast of eight episodes developed by award-winning science journalist and multidisciplinary artist Caty Enders, will be presented as a one-day sound installation, transforming narrative storytelling into a physical space at SALT Galata.
Having worked with radio journalist Joe Richman as part of the fourth edition of the international mentorship program Forecast, Enders aims to pull back the curtain on life-or-death technology with her podcast. Taking up the question of what living a good life really means, and whether more of it necessarily equals better, she mixes approachable science reporting while exploring the newest—sometimes miraculous, sometimes dark and dubious—longevity startups. “I envision this non-fiction project as a mix of science, philosophy, and sound art,” says Enders, “the blend allowing for the sort of beauty and ambiguity that exists in the area of health and longevity. I also want these episodes to be presented in physical space in ways that allow the audio to transport the listener in new and innovative ways.”
Organized in collaboration with Forecast, the program is open to all.
Floor 1, Workshop II-II
12.00-18.00 Sound installation
19.00 Lecture performance, followed by a Q&A - Cancelled
The Forever Show, a podcast of eight episodes developed by award-winning science journalist and multidisciplinary artist Caty Enders, will be presented as a one-day sound installation, transforming narrative storytelling into a physical space at SALT Galata.
Having worked with radio journalist Joe Richman as part of the fourth edition of the international mentorship program Forecast, Enders aims to pull back the curtain on life-or-death technology with her podcast. Taking up the question of what living a good life really means, and whether more of it necessarily equals better, she mixes approachable science reporting while exploring the newest—sometimes miraculous, sometimes dark and dubious—longevity startups. “I envision this non-fiction project as a mix of science, philosophy, and sound art,” says Enders, “the blend allowing for the sort of beauty and ambiguity that exists in the area of health and longevity. I also want these episodes to be presented in physical space in ways that allow the audio to transport the listener in new and innovative ways.”
Organized in collaboration with Forecast, the program is open to all.