Talk: Gábor Fodor, Elizabeth F. Thompson and Emre Saral


November 3, 2020 19.00

SALT Online YouTube Channel

Editor of the newly released book Between Empires, Beyond Borders. The Late Ottoman Empire and the Early Republican Era Through the Lens of the Köpe Family, Gábor Fodor will be in online conversation with the contributing authors Elizabeth F. Thompson and Emre Saral. Published in parallel to the exhibition Between Empires, Beyond Borders, the book is built on the family history of the Köpes, which sheds light on the complicated period of transition from the Empire to the Republic, through their valuable archive containing memoirs, photographs, cartoons as well as visual and audio recordings.

The program (in English) will be broadcasted at SALT Online YouTube Channel.

Gábor Fodor (PhD) is the director of the Hungarian Cultural Center in Istanbul. His main fields of interest are Hungarian-language memoirs on the Ottoman Empire and Turkish-Hungarian relations from the middle of the 19th century until the end of World War I.

Elizabeth F. Thompson is Professor of History and Mohamed Said Farsi Chair of Islamic Peace at American University in Washington, DC. She researches the history of democratic struggles in the Middle East since the early 20th century, with a special interest in how gender, race, and foreign intervention have shaped popular movements.

Emre Saral (PhD) works as an assistant researcher and teaches modern Turkish history in the Atatürk Institute at Hacettepe University, Ankara. His doctoral thesis focuses on the Turkey-Hungary relations between the two world wars and during World War II.

Between Empires, Beyond Borders. The Late Ottoman Empire and the Early Republican Era Through the Lens of the Köpe Family was released in October 2020 by the Research Centre for the Humanities in Budapest, in collaboration with the Hungarian Cultural Center in Istanbul and SALT. The book includes texts by Nefin Dinç (James Madison University), Erol Ülker (Işık University) and Lorans Tanatar Baruh (SALT), who developed the current exhibition at SALT Beyoğlu.
Istanbul 1918 Antoinekopearchive 1 Avusturya-Macaristan İmparatoru Karl ve Sultan Reşad ile onları takip eden Harbiye Nazırı Enver Paşa, İmparatoriçe Zita ve Veliaht Şehzade Vahideddin, Sirkeci Tren Garı, İstanbul, 19.05.1918
Antoine Köpe Arşivi (Elizabeth Childress izniyle)
Austro-Hungarian Emperor Karl and Sultan Reshad, followed by the Ottoman Minister of War Enver Pasha, Empress Zita, and the Crown Prince Vahideddin at Sirkeci Train Station, Istanbul, 19.05.1918 (Antoine Köpe Archive with the courtesy of Elizabeth Childress)