Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy

Climate of the Earth, Climate of the Poles


November 20, 2021 15.00

Prof Dr Burcu Ozsoy Antarktika 2 Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy izniyle
Courtesy Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy
SALT Online YouTube Channel

SALT’s Is this our last chance? program, supported by Garanti BBVA, continues with a series of talks in collaboration with WWF-Turkey (World Wide Fund for Nature) encouraging reflection and discussion on the climate and ecological crisis.

Is this our last chance? talks program will commence with opening remarks by Garanti BBVA’s Executive Vice President Ebru Dildar Edin on Saturday, November 20 at 15.00 and will be broadcasted on SALT Online’s Youtube channel and will be followed by Prof. Burcu Özsoy’s talk, “Dünya’da İklim, Kutuplarda İklim” [Climate of the Earth, Climate of the Poles]. Özsoy will expand on the effects of climate change in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, as well as the scientific studies Turkey has been conducting in the Poles. As the founding director of the Istanbul Technical University Polar Research Center (PolReC), Özsoy coordinated and led the first, second and third Turkish National Antarctic Expeditions under the sponsorship of the Presidency and the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

The talk will take place on Saturday, November 20 at 15.00, and it will be moderated by Neyran Akyıldız from WWF-Turkey and broadcast live on the SALT Online YouTube channel.

Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy, after completing her undergraduate and graduate studies at Yıldız Technical University, Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering, she worked as a lecturer at Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Faculty of Maritime in 2001. Within the scope of her doctoral studies at the University of Texas in the USA, she participated in her first Antarctic science exploration with American and Swedish scientists. In 2015, she worked as Turkey’s project coordinator in the “Horizon 2020” which is a research project on Arctic and Antarctic regions. As the founding director of the Istanbul Technical University Polar Research Center (PolReC), Özsoy undertook the duties of coordination and expeditionary leadership of the first, second and third National Turkish Antarctic Expeditions carried out under the auspices of the Presidency and the responsibility of the Ministry of Industry and Technology. Özsoy, who received the “TÜBA-GEBİP Kutup Çalışmaları Ödülü” [Polar Studies Award] in 2020, is currently the vice president of TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center (MAM) and the director of the MAM Polar Research Institute.

Dr. Neyran Akyıldız, completed her undergraduate education at Boğaziçi University, Department of Economics, and her master’s and doctorate degrees at Galatasaray University, Department of International Relations. Akyıldız worked as a coordinator at YenidenBiz Derneği, which aims to increase women’s employment in Turkey. She joined the WWF-Turkey (World Wildlife Fund) in 2017.

SALT’s Is this our last chance? program is supported by its founder, Garanti BBVA.

Is this our last chance? Talks program by SALT is organized in collaboration with WWF-Turkey (World Wide Fund for Nature)