Salt Research
Şevki Pekin Archive

Kordsa İzmit Social Facility, 1987
SALT Research, Şevki Pekin Archive
SALT Research, Şevki Pekin Archive
Architect and designer Şevki Pekin’s (1946-2020) archive can now be accessed at
Digitized and cataloged within SALT Research’s Architecture and Design Archive with the support of Kalebodur, this collection contains more than 2,000 documents on Pekin’s professional production spanning fifty years. In addition to drawings, sketches, and photographs related to Pekin’s architectural projects and concept designs in Turkey and abroad, the archive includes project drawings he made while studying at Vienna University of Technology and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Sketchbooks comprise a significant part of the collection, providing insight into Pekin’s architectural productions, concept designs, and personal notes.
About Şevki Pekin
Born in 1946, Pekin completed his high school education at Robert College. In his youth, he developed an interest in architecture as he frequented architect Feridun Akozan’s office. In 1966, he started studying architecture at Vienna University of Technology with the encouragement of Hayati Tabanlıoğlu, the designer of Atatürk Cultural Center (AKM) in Istanbul. Pekin then graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna under the supervision of Ernst Anton Plischke. Gaining experience in various architectural offices, he returned to Istanbul in 1974 and worked with Aydın Boysan for a while before establishing his own office. Until 2020, he produced more than 400 works with modern, rationalist, and postmodern characteristics, which entailed underlying ideas he formed during his years in Vienna.
Pekin’s architectural practice reflects a stylistic change and variation developed within different contexts and inspired by a diverse range of architectural perspectives. While lecturing at universities, he served as a jury member for various organizations, and also published several books including Mimarlık Üzerine Düşünceler [Reflections on Architecture] (2008) and Yirmibirinci Yüzyıl için Mimarlık Tarihi [History of Architecture for the Twenty-First Century] (2019). Pekin’s archive at SALT Research incorporates documents on his notable projects, including residential and industrial buildings, such as Bingöl Apartment in Moda (1986), Kordsa İzmit Social Facility (1987), Textile Factories in Yenibosna (1995) and Büyükçekmece (1996), Değirmendere Sculpture Museum (2001), and Farm Depot in Çandarlı (2009).
SALT Research Architecture and Design Archive
SALT Research archive collections encompass over 1,900,000 unique digitized resources on “Art”, “Architecture and Design”, and “City, Society, and Economy”. The collections in the Architecture and Design Archive comprise 170,000 documents obtained from professionals active in 20th-century Turkey, which include a variety of materials, ranging from sketches, drawings, correspondence, contracts, reports, maps, and photographs to audio recordings and videos.
SALT Research Architecture and Design Archive is supported by Kalebodur.
Digitized and cataloged within SALT Research’s Architecture and Design Archive with the support of Kalebodur, this collection contains more than 2,000 documents on Pekin’s professional production spanning fifty years. In addition to drawings, sketches, and photographs related to Pekin’s architectural projects and concept designs in Turkey and abroad, the archive includes project drawings he made while studying at Vienna University of Technology and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Sketchbooks comprise a significant part of the collection, providing insight into Pekin’s architectural productions, concept designs, and personal notes.
About Şevki Pekin
Born in 1946, Pekin completed his high school education at Robert College. In his youth, he developed an interest in architecture as he frequented architect Feridun Akozan’s office. In 1966, he started studying architecture at Vienna University of Technology with the encouragement of Hayati Tabanlıoğlu, the designer of Atatürk Cultural Center (AKM) in Istanbul. Pekin then graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna under the supervision of Ernst Anton Plischke. Gaining experience in various architectural offices, he returned to Istanbul in 1974 and worked with Aydın Boysan for a while before establishing his own office. Until 2020, he produced more than 400 works with modern, rationalist, and postmodern characteristics, which entailed underlying ideas he formed during his years in Vienna.
Pekin’s architectural practice reflects a stylistic change and variation developed within different contexts and inspired by a diverse range of architectural perspectives. While lecturing at universities, he served as a jury member for various organizations, and also published several books including Mimarlık Üzerine Düşünceler [Reflections on Architecture] (2008) and Yirmibirinci Yüzyıl için Mimarlık Tarihi [History of Architecture for the Twenty-First Century] (2019). Pekin’s archive at SALT Research incorporates documents on his notable projects, including residential and industrial buildings, such as Bingöl Apartment in Moda (1986), Kordsa İzmit Social Facility (1987), Textile Factories in Yenibosna (1995) and Büyükçekmece (1996), Değirmendere Sculpture Museum (2001), and Farm Depot in Çandarlı (2009).
SALT Research Architecture and Design Archive
SALT Research archive collections encompass over 1,900,000 unique digitized resources on “Art”, “Architecture and Design”, and “City, Society, and Economy”. The collections in the Architecture and Design Archive comprise 170,000 documents obtained from professionals active in 20th-century Turkey, which include a variety of materials, ranging from sketches, drawings, correspondence, contracts, reports, maps, and photographs to audio recordings and videos.
SALT Research Architecture and Design Archive is supported by Kalebodur.