Dust Poetics: Experimental Film Practices and the Archive
Andreas Treske in collaboration with Istanbul Experimental
August 6, 2022 15.00

Media Archaeology Lab, Bilkent University Department of Communication and Design, Ankara
The online workshop Dust Poetics led by editor, filmmaker, and media artist Andreas Treske will focus on the hidden, boxed, and stored aspects of experimental film practices and how such practices can become potent yet fragile archival tools. Organized as part of the public program A Crack in the Wall, and in collaboration with Istanbul Experimental, Treske will explore the potentials and possibilities of the hidden and unknown, as well as the current threats to moving image archives. Particularly, through experimental film practices, Treske will inquire into how we can “unfix, transform, decontextualize, revitalize, and defamiliarize” moving images.
Andreas Treske will conduct the workshop from the Media Archaeology Lab, Bilkent University Department of Communication and Design, Ankara, offering a shared environment with a diverse range of learning methods through practices of box opening, functional tests and identifications, encoding and decoding, and transferring. Hidden, stored away, boxed, dust collecting in dark corners, a hardly identifiable ocean of moving images on magnetic tape carriers and celluloid, calls for stories that are different, disruptive, and subjective. Participants will have the opportunity to become acquainted with the necessary tools and equipment much needed for artistic research, practice, and production, especially within the context of non-narrative, alternative, experimental modes of filmmaking.
This online workshop will be held in Turkish and is open to all. For registration, please send an e-mail with contact information to
Andreas Treske is an author and filmmaker, writing about online video aesthetics and culture. He is the chair of the Department of Communication and Design at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. Treske is the author of the books The Inner Life of Video Spheres (Institute of Network Cultures, 2013) and Video Theory: Online Video Aesthetics or the Afterlife of Video (transcript Verlag, 2015), and the co-editor of Video Vortex Reader #3: Inside the YouTube Decade (with Geert Lovink, Institute of Network Cultures, 2020) and Ulus Baker’s From Opinion to Images: Essays Towards a Sociology of Affects (with Aras Özgün, Institute of Network Cultures, 2020). Since 2008, he is involved in the VideoVortex network.
Istanbul Experimental is the head organization of Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival. As a mission-oriented non-profit art organization, it aims to contribute to the presence and visibility of experimental film and arts through screenings, exhibitions, performances, and training workshops in collaboration with curators, artists, art spaces, and organizations around the world.
Andreas Treske will conduct the workshop from the Media Archaeology Lab, Bilkent University Department of Communication and Design, Ankara, offering a shared environment with a diverse range of learning methods through practices of box opening, functional tests and identifications, encoding and decoding, and transferring. Hidden, stored away, boxed, dust collecting in dark corners, a hardly identifiable ocean of moving images on magnetic tape carriers and celluloid, calls for stories that are different, disruptive, and subjective. Participants will have the opportunity to become acquainted with the necessary tools and equipment much needed for artistic research, practice, and production, especially within the context of non-narrative, alternative, experimental modes of filmmaking.
This online workshop will be held in Turkish and is open to all. For registration, please send an e-mail with contact information to
Andreas Treske is an author and filmmaker, writing about online video aesthetics and culture. He is the chair of the Department of Communication and Design at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. Treske is the author of the books The Inner Life of Video Spheres (Institute of Network Cultures, 2013) and Video Theory: Online Video Aesthetics or the Afterlife of Video (transcript Verlag, 2015), and the co-editor of Video Vortex Reader #3: Inside the YouTube Decade (with Geert Lovink, Institute of Network Cultures, 2020) and Ulus Baker’s From Opinion to Images: Essays Towards a Sociology of Affects (with Aras Özgün, Institute of Network Cultures, 2020). Since 2008, he is involved in the VideoVortex network.
Istanbul Experimental is the head organization of Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival. As a mission-oriented non-profit art organization, it aims to contribute to the presence and visibility of experimental film and arts through screenings, exhibitions, performances, and training workshops in collaboration with curators, artists, art spaces, and organizations around the world.