Benefit Exhibition: Supporting Education Through Art

Salt Galata

April 13 – April 16, 2023

2023 Sanat Ile Egitime Destek Poster R 1
April 13, 17.44
April 14, 17.44
April 15, 17.45
April 16, 17.45
Salt is hosting the exhibition project “Supporting Education Through Art”, initiated and organized by Turkey’s contemporary art galleries and artists to support the educational needs of children affected by the earthquakes that struck southern Turkey and northern Syria on February 6. The exhibition will take place between April 13-16 at Salt Galata.

On the occasion of the exhibition, paintings, sculptures, installations and video works donated by more than 200 artists from 38 galleries will be presented as part of the Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey’s (TEGV) relief campaign for those affected by the earthquakes. Donations can be made via throughout April.

The project aims to meet the basic educational needs of primary school-age children and to strengthen the ongoing relief and solidarity efforts. To inquire about the project and view the list of participants, please visit

The exhibition “Supporting Education Through Art” is free of charge and open to all.

Supporting Education Through Art
With contributions by Sergikur and Gulf Sigorta