Contemporary Polish Cinema
Vistula Film Festival
Salt Beyoğlu
November 21 – November 30, 2023

Still from EO (2022)
©Skopia Film, Alien Films
©Skopia Film, Alien Films
Salt, in collaboration with the Nowa Przestrzeń Foundation and the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Istanbul, presents the screening program titled Contemporary Polish Cinema, a selection from the traveling Vistula Film Festival. The selection highlights the eclectic and recent award-winning productions from Poland, exploring various themes and stark character studies. The program includes eight feature film presentations, accompanied by a selection of shorts from the Warsaw Film School and the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School.
This free-admission program will take place between November 21-30 in the Walk-in Cinema at Salt Beyoğlu. All films will be screened in their original language with Turkish subtitles.
Limited seats. No reservations.
Salt Beyoğlu, Walk-in Cinema
Kobieta na dachu [Woman on the Roof], Anna Jadowska, 2022
Tuesday, November 21, 19.30
Followed by a Q&A session with director Anna Jadowska
Chrzciny [The Christening], Jakub Skoczeń, 2022
Wednesday, November 22, 19.00
Followed by a Q&A session with director Jakub Skoczeń
Niebezpieczni Dżentelmeni [Dangerous Men], Maciej Kawalski, 2022
Thursday, November 23, 19.00
25 lat niewinności. Sprawa Tomka Komendy [25 Years of Innocence. The Case of Tomek Komenda], Jan Holoubek, 2020
Friday, November 24, 19.00
Shorts: From the Warsaw Film School
Saturday, November 25, 14.00
Brigitte Bardot cudowna [Brigitte Bardot Forever], Lech Majewski, 2021
Saturday, November 25, 16.00
Czarna owca [Black Sheep], Aleksander Pietrzak, 2021
Saturday, November 25, 18.00
Orzel. Ostatni patrol [Below the Surface], Jacek Blawut, 2022
Tuesday, November 28, 19.00
Shorts: From the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School
Wednesday, November 29, 19.00
EO, Jerzy Skolimowski, 2022
Thursday, November 30, 19.00
In accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 5224 amended on 18.01.2019, films that have not been assessed and classified by the General Directorate of Cinema, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Turkey, can only be screened under the classification of 18+ at festivals, special screenings or similar culture and arts events.
This free-admission program will take place between November 21-30 in the Walk-in Cinema at Salt Beyoğlu. All films will be screened in their original language with Turkish subtitles.
Limited seats. No reservations.
Salt Beyoğlu, Walk-in Cinema
Kobieta na dachu [Woman on the Roof], Anna Jadowska, 2022
Tuesday, November 21, 19.30
Followed by a Q&A session with director Anna Jadowska
Chrzciny [The Christening], Jakub Skoczeń, 2022
Wednesday, November 22, 19.00
Followed by a Q&A session with director Jakub Skoczeń
Niebezpieczni Dżentelmeni [Dangerous Men], Maciej Kawalski, 2022
Thursday, November 23, 19.00
25 lat niewinności. Sprawa Tomka Komendy [25 Years of Innocence. The Case of Tomek Komenda], Jan Holoubek, 2020
Friday, November 24, 19.00
Shorts: From the Warsaw Film School
Saturday, November 25, 14.00
Brigitte Bardot cudowna [Brigitte Bardot Forever], Lech Majewski, 2021
Saturday, November 25, 16.00
Czarna owca [Black Sheep], Aleksander Pietrzak, 2021
Saturday, November 25, 18.00
Orzel. Ostatni patrol [Below the Surface], Jacek Blawut, 2022
Tuesday, November 28, 19.00
Shorts: From the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School
Wednesday, November 29, 19.00
EO, Jerzy Skolimowski, 2022
Thursday, November 30, 19.00
In accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 5224 amended on 18.01.2019, films that have not been assessed and classified by the General Directorate of Cinema, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Turkey, can only be screened under the classification of 18+ at festivals, special screenings or similar culture and arts events.