Broken Cameras

Salt Beyoğlu, Online

April 27 – May 5, 2024

15 Shorts Ambience <i>Ambience</i> [Ambians] (2019) filminden bir kare
©Wisam Al Jafari
Still from Ambience (2019)
©Wisam Al Jafari
The film will be streamed in its original language with Turkish subtitles, and can only be accessed online by audiences in Turkey.

April 27, 18.30, Salt Beyoğlu, Walk-in Cinema
April 29-May 5,

Broken Cameras features three short films by Muhammad Nour ElKhairy, Wisam Al Jafari, and Samira Badran.

P is for Palestine, 2018, 3 minutes
Director: Muhammad Nour ElKhairy

The film highlights the political aspect of language, featuring a man in Amman, Jordan repeating politically charged English words that contain the letter “P”—a letter that doesn’t exist in the Arabic language.

Ambience, 2019, 15 minutes
Director: Wisam Al Jafari

Two young Palestinians work on a demo for a music competition inside a noisy, crowded refugee camp. Despite struggling to record due to the chaos around them, they find a creative way to meet the deadline.

Memory of the Land, 2017, 13 minutes
Director: Samira Badran

Following a character trapped at an Israeli checkpoint, this animated short film depicts various forms of violence and reflects on mechanisms of oppression and control.

Total running time: 31 minutes

Following the Walk-in Cinema screening on Saturday, April 27 at 18.30, the films can be accessed at between April 29-May 5. All films will be streamed in their original language with Turkish subtitles, and can only be accessed online by audiences in Turkey.

In accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 5224 amended on 18.01.2019, films that have not been assessed and classified by the General Directorate of Cinema, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Turkey, can only be screened under the classification of 18+ at festivals, special screenings or similar culture and arts events.