IASPIS Istanbul Exchange Program

Salt Galata, Salt Beyoğlu

September 21, 2024 – September 21, 2026

Marie Louise Richards 26012024 Web 016 Marie-Louise Richards’ın “Undercurrents: Black Feminist Practices of Refusal and Healing” atölyesi, Salt Galata, 26 Ocak 2024
Fotoğraf: Mustafa Hazneci
View from the workshop “Undercurrents: Black Feminist Practices of Refusal and Healing” led by Marie-Louise Richards, Salt Galata, January 26, 2024
Photo: Mustafa Hazneci
Salt launches the IASPIS Istanbul Exchange Program in collaboration with IASPIS and with support from the Consulate General of Sweden in Istanbul and the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul.

The program aims to facilitate exchange between Sweden-based cultural practitioners working in visual arts, design, architecture, and urban studies and artists, designers, researchers, and cultural organizations based in Istanbul. Throughout this two-year collaboration running from September 2024 to September 2026, invited participants will reside in Istanbul at various intervals, contributing to Salt’s ongoing programs and research within their respective fields.

All events realized as part of the program are free and open to everyone.


Talk and Workshop:
Evelina Mohei

Saturday, September 21, 14.00
Salt Galata, Workshop II-III

Talk and Workshop:
Johnny Chang

Saturday, October 5, 14.00
Salt Galata, Workshop II-III

Leah Ireland

Thursday, April 10, 18.30
Salt Galata, Workshop IV

Leah Ireland

Saturday, April 12, 15.00
Kuzguncuk Urban Garden

IASPIS is the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s International Program for Visual and Applied Arts. It is aimed at artists working in the fields of visual arts, photography, design, crafts, illustration, textile art, and architecture.