Sound and Improvisation
Ulrike Ruf and Zeynep Ayşe Hatipoğlu

Salt Beyoğlu

November 30, 2024 12.30 – 18.00

2 Atolye <i>Bilmem Nasıldır Hâli Sılanın</i> performansından bir kare
Fotoğraf: Nazlı Çapar
Still from the performance I wonder how my homeland fares
Photo: Nazlı Çapar
Winter Garden

Zeynep Ayşe Hatipoğlu will give a workshop on sound and improvisation together with Ulrike Ruf as part of her installation I wonder how my homeland fares, conceived for the series Warm Earth Sounds for Plants and the People Who Love Them in the Winter Garden.

Focusing on listening, improvisation, and creative music through storytelling, the workshop will explore themes of plant origins, homeland, nature, grounding, and connectedness. It will incorporate Pauline Oliveros’ deep listening practice with Hatipoğlu’s improvisational techniques and Ruf’s performative methods, featuring both individual and collective guided improvisations.

The workshop consists of two sessions and is open to everyone. The program will be held in Turkish and English. Participation is limited to 12 people for each session. No instrument or prior musical knowledge is required to participate. Click here to apply.

Session 1 12.30-14.30
Session 2 16.00 - 18.00 - The quota has been filled.

Ulrike Ruf is a cellist, sound artist, director, and author working at the intersection of music, performance, and theater. The experience of working with musicians, composers, dancers, video artists, professional choirs, and amateurs led her to unconventional as well as interdisciplinary, often documentary formats in which she interweaves sound, language, and video with precisely elaborated performative elements.

Zeynep Ayşe Hatipoğlu is a cellist, composer, and improviser. She received her master’s degree in Music Theory and Composition at the Istanbul Technical University Turkish Music State Conservatory in 2016. In 2022, she completed her PhD at the Istanbul Technical University Centre for Advanced Studies in Music with her thesis titled “A Practice-Based Research on Musical Improvisation: Collaborative Improvisation as a Play.” Her practice centers on free improvisation, contemporary/new music, Turkish makam, and collaborative projects with interdisciplinary artists.
With the support of