Boom maakt boek [Boom Makes Book]
Salt Beyoğlu
February 1, 2025 16.30
![Boom Maakt Boek 1 <i>Boom maakt boek</i> [Boom Kitap Yapar] (2018) filminden bir kare
©Lex Reitsma](/directus/media/thumbnails/boom-maakt-boek_1-jpg-780-5000-false.jpg)
Still from Boom maakt boek [Boom Makes Book] (2018)
©Lex Reitsma
©Lex Reitsma
Walk-in Cinema
Boom maakt boek [Boom Makes Book] (2018)
Director: Lex Reitsma
55 minutes, Netherlands
Flemish; Turkish subtitles
In Boom maakt boek [Boom Makes Books], Lex Reitsma concentrates on the bookmaking practice of Dutch designer Irma Boom. The film explores Boom’s practice through two projects she was working on at the time: one for the fashion label Viktor & Rolf and a personal study of painter Ellsworth Kelly. Offering a close look at the making of these books, the documentary reveals a compelling portrait of Boom, highlighting the connections she establishes between design and content, as well as her approach to three-dimensionality, experimentation, and tactility.
The film will be screened in its original language with Turkish subtitles.
Boom maakt boek [Boom Makes Book] (2018)
Director: Lex Reitsma
55 minutes, Netherlands
Flemish; Turkish subtitles
In Boom maakt boek [Boom Makes Books], Lex Reitsma concentrates on the bookmaking practice of Dutch designer Irma Boom. The film explores Boom’s practice through two projects she was working on at the time: one for the fashion label Viktor & Rolf and a personal study of painter Ellsworth Kelly. Offering a close look at the making of these books, the documentary reveals a compelling portrait of Boom, highlighting the connections she establishes between design and content, as well as her approach to three-dimensionality, experimentation, and tactility.
The film will be screened in its original language with Turkish subtitles.
In accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 5224 amended on 18.01.2019, films that have not been assessed and classified by the General Directorate of Cinema, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Turkey, can only be screened under the classification of 18+ at festivals, special screenings or similar culture and arts events.