Design is One: Lella & Massimo Vignelli

Salt Beyoğlu

February 2, 2025 15.00

Design Is One 6 <i>Design is One: Lella & Massimo Vignelli</i> [Tasarım Tektir: Lella ve Massimo Vignelli] (2012) filminden bir kare 
©Kathy Brew, Roberto Guerra
Still from Design is One: Lella & Massimo Vignelli (2012)
©Kathy Brew, Roberto Guerra
Walk-in Cinema

Design is One: Lella & Massimo Vignelli (2012)
Directors: Kathy Brew, Roberto Guerra
86 minutes, USA
English; Turkish subtitles

Design is One: Lella & Massimo Vignelli looks at the multifaceted practice of Italian designers Massimo Vignelli (1931-2014) and Lella Vignelli (1934-2016), who collaborated for more than half a century, beginning in the 1960s. Completed by Kathy Brew and Roberto Guerra shortly before Massimo Vignelli’s passing, the documentary film features interviews with prominent figures from different fields of design, including Milton Glaser, Michael Bierut, Steven Heller, Jessica Helfand, Peter Eisenman, and Paola Antonelli.

With a modernist approach rooted in simplicity, the Vignellis drew attention to the visual pollution caused by the diversification of computer-based design. Their influence extended across various areas, from design culture to social life. Documents related to their work, ranging from publications to environmental design, interiors, and furniture, are now housed in the Vignelli Archive at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York.

The film will be screened in its original language with Turkish subtitles.

In accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 5224 amended on 18.01.2019, films that have not been assessed and classified by the General Directorate of Cinema, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Turkey, can only be screened under the classification of 18+ at festivals, special screenings or similar culture and arts events.