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Şarap Rengi Deniz [Wine Dark Sea]

Salt Beyoğlu

March 23, 2025 18.00

Wine Dark Sea 00003 <i>Şarap Rengi Deniz</i> (2024) filminden bir kare 
©Nefin Dinç ve İnci Özsoy
Still from Şarap Rengi Deniz [Wine Dark Sea] (2024)
©Nefin Dinç and İnci Özsoy
Walk-in Cinema

Şarap Rengi Deniz [Wine Dark Sea] (2024)
Director: Nefin Dinç
43 minutes
Turkish, English, Greek; Turkish subtitles

Once described by Homer as the “wine-dark sea,” the Mediterranean is now under increasing pressure as climate change accelerates at an alarming rate. With temperatures rising 20 percent faster than the global average, the region’s air, water, ecosystems, and economies are rapidly changing. Meanwhile, scientists, activists, local communities, and various initiatives are working to mitigate the adverse impacts of global warming in the region.

Şarap Rengi Deniz [Wine Dark Sea] explores the dramatic transformations unfolding in the Mediterranean due to global warming. Addressing renewable energy initiatives and green economy principles, the documentary connects local struggles to broader issues of sustainability. It serves as both a warning and a call to action, challenging viewers to reflect on the fate of the Mediterranean and the urgency of collective action.

Salt’s Is this our last chance? program is supported by its founder, Garanti BBVA, and is open to everyone.