Salt Galata
May 10, 2012

Maden Tetkik Arama Enstitüsü Genel Müdürlük Binası, Eskişehir Yolu, Ankara
Rahmi Bediz – Demirtaş Kamçıl (1960-1967)
Photo by Metehan Özcan (2012)
Rahmi Bediz – Demirtaş Kamçıl (1960-1967)
Photo by Metehan Özcan (2012)
SALT Galata, Workshop IV
A series of talks, which focus on the production of architecture and design in the era captured by the Modern Essays 4: SALON exhibition, is organized at SALT Galata on May 5 and May 10. Architectural historian Elvan Altan Ergut will present the reconstruction of Ankara in between 1950-1980 via the works of architects Rahmi Bediz and Demirtaş Kamçıl, architecture and design critic Gökhan Karakuş will share his work on Butik-A and its contemporaries, and Meltem Gürel will address the 1950-1960 period through the framework of living rooms culture.
18.30 Meltem Gürel
Değişen Yaşam Biçimi, Dönüşen Ev Mekânı: 1950-1960 salon kültürü, kullanımı ve mobilyası
[Changing Lifestyles, Transforming Domestic Space: 1950-1960 living room culture, spatial practices and furniture]
The talk will be held in Turkish.
Meltem Ö. Gürel is the founding Head of the Department of Architecture and the Head of the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design at Bilkent University, where she has been teaching since 1994. Previous to her full-time academic engagement, Gürel practiced in Illinois and New York. She was a visiting scholar at the School of Architecture, UIUC in 1997. Gürel has published in leading international journals in her field, such as the Journal of Architectural Education, the Journal of Architecture; Gender, Place and Culture, the Journal of Design History, Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, and the International Journal of Art & Design Education. Her research interests include cross-cultural histories of modernism, gender and architecture, culture-space relationship and design education.