In Conversation: Müfit Kulen
and Süreyya İsfendiyaroğlu
Salt Galata
June 9, 2012 15.00
SALT Galata, Workshop II-III
Organized in the scope of the exhibition Modern Essays 5: Graft, Müfit Kulen, the former president of the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works and Süreyya İsfendiyaroğlu, Scientific Coordinator for Doğa Derneği, will meet to discuss the politics and impact of dam projects in Turkey.
Müfit Kulen
Müfit Kulen graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering department in 1950. He worked at the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works between 1950 and 1976. He retired as president from the same institution in 1976. He also worked as a senior executive at a number of private institutions including Garanti İnşaat and STFA Holding from 1976 to 2003, then as a technical consultant to IC Holding and MNG Holding from 2003 to 2010. He taught graduate classes on Developing Water Resources as part-time tutor at Middle East Technical University and was a technical consultant to United Nations in North African and Ecuadorian countries.
Süreyya İsfendiyaroğlu
Since his first attendance at the flamingo research work in Adana Akyatan Lagoon, Süreyya İsfendiyaroğlu has been researching bird life across Anatolia including Southeastern and Eastern regions. He started working as Grouse Researcher at Doğa Derneği in 2004. In the following two years he spent nine months camping in various mountain ranges to conduct grouse research. Having analyzed data on bird distribution and fluctuating population sizes, he became one of the editors of Türkiye’nin Önemli Doğa Alanları (Important Nature Areas in Turkey). Following this, he started to participate in projects on the change of land use, locals’ participation in decision making procsses and climate change. He still works as Scientific Coordinator during his researche into the population of eagles typical to Thrace as part of his master’s thesis in Istanbul University.
The talk will be held in Turkish.
Müfit Kulen graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering department in 1950. He worked at the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works between 1950 and 1976. He retired as president from the same institution in 1976. He also worked as a senior executive at a number of private institutions including Garanti İnşaat and STFA Holding from 1976 to 2003, then as a technical consultant to IC Holding and MNG Holding from 2003 to 2010. He taught graduate classes on Developing Water Resources as part-time tutor at Middle East Technical University and was a technical consultant to United Nations in North African and Ecuadorian countries.
Süreyya İsfendiyaroğlu
Since his first attendance at the flamingo research work in Adana Akyatan Lagoon, Süreyya İsfendiyaroğlu has been researching bird life across Anatolia including Southeastern and Eastern regions. He started working as Grouse Researcher at Doğa Derneği in 2004. In the following two years he spent nine months camping in various mountain ranges to conduct grouse research. Having analyzed data on bird distribution and fluctuating population sizes, he became one of the editors of Türkiye’nin Önemli Doğa Alanları (Important Nature Areas in Turkey). Following this, he started to participate in projects on the change of land use, locals’ participation in decision making procsses and climate change. He still works as Scientific Coordinator during his researche into the population of eagles typical to Thrace as part of his master’s thesis in Istanbul University.
The talk will be held in Turkish.