Screening: Blind Ambition
Salt Beyoğlu
September 21, 2012 17.30

Still from Blind Ambition (2012)
Courtesy of Hassan Khan and Chantal Crousel Gallery, Paris
Courtesy of Hassan Khan and Chantal Crousel Gallery, Paris
SALT Beyoğlu, Walk-in Cinema
Hassan Khan, Blind Ambition, 2012
Single-channel B&W video
Dubbed and synchronized voices HD video shot on a Samsung Galaxy SII cell phone
46 minutes
“Blind Ambition (2012) is not made like a film. It has no decoupage or preplanned cuts, per se. It is shot on a cell phone: I create the situation, put the actors in it, and shoot. I edit later. But, as I edit, something remains hidden.” - Extract from a conversation mediated by Shahira Issa for Kaleidoscope
Blind Ambition premiered at dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel, 2012.