Screening: Blind Ambition

Salt Beyoğlu

September 21, 2012 17.30

Blind Ambition 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <i>Blind Ambition</i>’dan (2012) görüntü<br />
Hassan Khan ve Galerie Chantal Crousel'in izniyle
Still from Blind Ambition (2012)

Courtesy of Hassan Khan and Chantal Crousel Gallery, Paris

SALT Beyoğlu, Walk-in Cinema

Hassan Khan, Blind Ambition, 2012
Single-channel B&W video
Dubbed and synchronized voices HD video shot on a Samsung Galaxy SII cell phone
46 minutes

Blind Ambition (2012) is not made like a film. It has no decoupage or preplanned cuts, per se. It is shot on a cell phone: I create the situation, put the actors in it, and shoot. I edit later. But, as I edit, something remains hidden.” - Extract from a conversation mediated by Shahira Issa for Kaleidoscope

Blind Ambition premiered at dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel, 2012.