Wim Wenders' Road Movie Trilogy
Falsche Bewegung
[The Wrong Move]
Salt Beyoğlu
July 16, 2011 14.00

Hüseyin Bahri Alptekin was a devoted traveler. He would produce works during his travels, or bring a luggage full of material that would later lead to a new work. Wim Wenders’ Road Movie Trilogy, which includes Alice in den Städten (1974), Falsche Bewegung (1975) and Im Lauf der Zeit (1976), will be screened in July to follow Alptekin’s traces.
From Alice in den Städten [Alice in the Cities]:
- You weren’t supposed to take photos. Just write a story.
- Yes, I know. But the story is about things you see - it’s about signs and images.
From Alice in den Städten [Alice in the Cities]:
- You weren’t supposed to take photos. Just write a story.
- Yes, I know. But the story is about things you see - it’s about signs and images.