Who's in town?
Tony Chakar
The Space of Nūn*
Salt Beyoğlu
February 20, 2013 19.00
SALT Beyoğlu, Walk-in Cinema
*From the project One Hundred Thousand Solitudes
“During the siege of Tahrir Square by the Egyptian army, stories were told of an old woman who would fill her basket with mangos every morning; she would then make the rounds tracing the boundaries of the square, giving every soldier a mango as she said: ‘Do not kill your brother’.” Tony Chakar
A talk about love, traces, tracing, binding and making space.
Tony Chakar
Tony Chakar is an architect and writer, born in Beirut in 1968. His latest projects include The Eighth Day (2008): an ongoing project in the form of a lecture/performance; The Sky Over Beirut (Walking tours of the city - 2009): Ashkal Alwan, Beirut; An Endless Quick Nightmare (2011): Project for MED11 (The Colombia Biennial) and One Hundred Thousand Solitudes (2012): Meeting Points 6 (Beirut, Berlin, Athens). He also contributes to art and architecture magazines as well as teaching History of Art and History of Architecture at the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts (ALBA), Balamand University.
The talk will be held in English.