SALT Interpretation
Educator Open House
Salt Galata
February 26, 2013 16.30

Educator Open House, October 2, 2012
SALT Galata, Workshop II-III
SALT Interpretation invites middle and high school teachers to Educator Open House, which will take place on Tuesday, February 26, 16.30 at SALT Galata.
The Educator Open House is designed to provide information about programming for middle and high school groups at the institution’s two locations, SALT Beyoğlu and SALT Galata as well as offering detailed information about teacher development workshops that will be organized during the Spring semester of the 2012-2013 academic year.
Before teachers join SALT Interpretation team for a tour of SALT Galata’s current exhibitions, Modern Turkey’s Discovery of the Ottoman Heritage: The Ali Sami Ülgen Archive and 1+8, SALT Interpretation aims to exchange ideas about potential partnerships and collaborative projects, and receiving feedback from educators about the current program.
Free shuttle services will be provided from various locations in İstanbul to SALT Galata. This event will be held in Turkish. Refreshments will be provided.
To RSVP for the Educator Open House or for more information about the event, please send an email to or call us at (0 212) 334 22 31.