Long Thursday
February 2013
Salt Beyoğlu, Salt Galata
February 28, 2013 19.00 – 22.00

Long Thursday, SALT Galata, December 2012
SALT Beyoğlu and SALT Galata
This month’s Long Thursday includes a talk in the Walk-in Cinema and guided tours of SALT’s current exhibitions. The tours will begin at 19.00 and 20.00 at SALT Galata and 20.00 at SALT Beyoğlu. In addition visitors can enjoy special discounts at the café at SALT Galata and at the bookstores in both buildings.
The tour of “Scared of Murals” at SALT Beyoğlu will be guided by Merve Elveren and Vasıf Kortun, SALT Research and Programs. The exhibition revives the years between 1976-1980 by tracing exhibitions, public art projects such as murals, and collective and political endeavors. Artists’ rights; the relationship between art and society as well as economy, labor and politics; debates on censorship and the cultural policies of the state are issues that are investigated. Fahri Aral, an important actor of the period and the editor-in-chief of İstanbul Bilgi University Press, will give a talk that refers to the content of the exhibition in the Walk-in Cinema at SALT Beyoğlu at 19.00.
At SALT Galata, tours of Modern Turkey’s Discovery of Ottoman Heritage: Ali Saim Ülgen’s Archive will be guided by Ahmet Ersoy, from the History Department of the Boğaziçi University. The exhibition in the Open Archive focuses on Turkey’s conservation issues, restoration practices and the architectural history of Turkey based on the world of Ali Saim Ülgen (1913-1963), one of the pioneering architectural restoration experts of his time.
The second exhibition at SALT Galata, 1+8 is an eight-screen video installation about Turkey and her eight neighbors based on the feature film of the same name directed by Cynthia Madansky and Angelika Brudniak. Each screen features life on both sides of the border, from Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Nakchivan to Syria. The installation chronicles the people and communities living on Turkey’s borders through their own stories as shot by Madansky and Brudniak during two years of field research. The artists will be available throughout the evening to answer questions about their work.