Talk: Tariq Ali
Turkey, NATO, Neighbors Internal and External
Salt Galata
April 5, 2013 19.00

SALT Galata, Auditorium
“As NATO’s eastern flank, Turkey has been crucial to US strategy in the region since the Second World War. How much has changed since the end of military rule and the election of a democratic government? Is Turkey an independent state or is its sovereignty still retarded by its cold war alliances? When it deals with the Kurdish question at home and its neighbors abroad, whose interests are being served? Will Turkey ever be permitted entry into the European Union?” Writer, historian and filmmaker Tariq Ali will address these questions during his talk titled “Turkey, NATO, Neighbors Internal and External” on April 5, in the context of the exhibition 1+8 at SALT Galata.
About Tariq Ali
Tariq Ali (b. 1943) lives and works in London. A leading figure of the European Left during the ‘60s and ‘70s, Ali has written more than two dozen books on world history and politics, including Can Pakistan Survive? (1983) and The Idea of Communism (2009). He has also written seven novels (translated into over a dozen languages) and scripts for the stage and screen. He is an editor of New Left Review and regularly contributes to The Guardian, CounterPunch, and the London Review of Books.
The talk will be held in English with simultaneous translation into Turkish.