Exhibition Critique:
A Promised Exhibition
Salt Beyoğlu
October 25, 2013 18.30

Exhibition Critique by CANAN: A Promised Exhibition
September 2013
September 2013
Mürüvvet Türkyılmaz and Selim Birsel
SALT Interpretation organizes exhibition critiques during the most comprehensive presentation of Gülsün Karamustafa’s works to date, A Promised Exhibition. Led by individuals from different disciplines, these tours offer varying perspectives on the works of Karamustafa and a chance to engage in discussions centered around the exhibition’s themes and intentions.
To join the second tour led by Selim Birsel and Mürüvvet Türkyılmaz, please email your first name, last name and contact information to yorumlama@saltonline.org.
Following the tour, participants are asked to write a critical review of the exhibition on social media sites such as Facebook, a blog or a personal website, and share its link on Twitter by adding @SALT_Online to their tweets.
The tours will be held in Turkish, and are limited to 10 participants.
Visual artist Selim Birsel works with various media including drawing, painting, installation, photography, video and performance. He has been curating in diverse institutions since 1991. Birsel, who worked for Kasa Gallery of Sabancı University between 1999 and 2010, currently teaches visual arts at the same university. He is a a directing member of the International Association of the Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean (BJCEM).
Artist Mürüvvet Türkyılmaz brings installation, video, performance and a technique she calls “writing-drawing” together in her artistic practice. Her works have been exhibited locally and internationally since 1998. Türkyılmaz taught art history at Yeditepe University between 2003 and 2008. She has initiated a platform titled “Open Table,” where artists and other participants from different disciplines are invited for open discussion and dialogue.