Workshop: Soft Space

Salt Galata

November 2, 2013 11.00 – 16.00


SALT Galata, Workshop II-III

Digital media, which becomes more fluent and dynamic with new technologies, changes our experience and perception of space, by providing more and more products that we use in our daily lives. As a result of this change the big, heavy and solid infrastructure projects of the modern age are replaced with more subtle and ephemeral alternatives.

SALT Interpretation invites college students to “Soft Space” workshop to focus on specific questions such as “Is it possible to create a soft and smooth space?”, “How could we describe space without solid elements?” and “What are the ways of finding intermediate values between solid and soft proposals that can help define space?” The workshop will be led by architects Alper Derinboğaz, Ömer Kanıpak and Salih Küçüktuna.

During the workshop, students will work both digitally and manually by creating planes, lines and different spaces using laser pointers and mirrors. The participants are expected to bring their own laptops and 3D design programs such as 3DS Max, Maya, Rhino and Cinema 4D.

The workshop will be held in Turkish and is limited to 20 students.

For more information and reservation:
(0212) 334 2231
Alper Derinboğaz graduated from İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture in 2005. He completed his M.Arch degree at İstanbul Bilgi University and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Derinboğaz, whose three works were included in the Arkiv Architecture Selection, received the Arkitera Young Architect Award in 2011. He currently practices as a founding partner at Salon Architects and is a workshop leader at İstanbul Bilgi University.

Ömer Kanıpak graduated from İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture in 1994 and earned his master’s degree in Architecture from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is one of the founding partners of Arkitera Architecture Center, which was established in 2000. He currently works for Masa Architecture and conducts architectural studios at Bahçeşehir University.

Salih Küçüktuna graduated from Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture in 2001. He worked for GAD Architecture between 1998 and 2004. Küçüktuna currently works as a founding partner at Uras×Dilekci and is a part-time lecturer at İstanbul Bilgi University.