"METU Stands"
"Antigoni Our Small Island
Our Life"*
Salt Beyoğlu
December 15, 2013 13.00

Antigoni Our Small Island Our Life (2013)
METU Stands
Director: Collective Cinema
Turkey, 2013, 33’, Color
Turkish with English subtitles
Antigoni Our Small Island Our Life*
Director: Nilüfer Uzunoğlu
Turkey, 2013, 51’, Black & White
Turkish and Greek with English and Turkish subtitles
*With the participation of the director or team
Director: Collective Cinema
Turkey, 2013, 33’, Color
Turkish with English subtitles
Antigoni Our Small Island Our Life*
Director: Nilüfer Uzunoğlu
Turkey, 2013, 51’, Black & White
Turkish and Greek with English and Turkish subtitles
*With the participation of the director or team