Who's in town?
Georg Schöllhammer
Salt Galata
April 30, 2014 19.00

Work by Nikita Kadan
SALT Galata, Workshop III
Curating in a State of Trauma
“In trans-regional or trans-cultural curating we find ourselves in a mobile system, a dynamic situation, a game of transpositions and transitions, in which each local narrative, each practice described, each field of conflict approached seems to play an especially important role and could be termed the field of conflict of ‘cultural dyssynchrony.’ This is something that challenges our ability to think not only across borders, but also with and about borders. But this focusing on dis-similarities leads us to a point where it might be more fruitful to think the contrary: about similarities, neighborhoods, and hidden connections.” Georg Schöllhammer
In the case of The Kiev Biennale, which Schöllhammer is co-curating in 2015, these difficulties are even more important, as is the more challenging question: How to curate a biennale in an imagined nation in the state of trauma?
Georg Schöllhammer is an editor, writer and curator based in Vienna. He is founding editor of springerin and head of tranzit.at. He has worked internationally on cultural projects including dOCUMENTA, Manifesta, L’Internationale, Former West and Sweet 60s. He curated the Trespassing Modernities exhibition with Ruben Arevshatyan for SALT in 2013.
The talk will be held in English.