Performance: Murat Opus,
Meriç Demirkol and Levent Özer
Salt Beyoğlu
June 19, 2014 19.00

An object from Hüseyin Bahri Alptekin Collection
In April, musician Murat Opus reinterpreted the Hüseyin Bahri Alptekin Collection at SALT Galata with his project Three Partitions, Three Sounds: A Library That Music Runs Through. The performance at SALT Beyoğlu complements the approach of Opus’ intervention and includes the musicians Meriç Demirkol and Levent Özer.
In his project, Opus engages in a dialogue with the following three books from the Hüseyin Bahri Alptekin Collection: Punk - Bir Altkültürün Oluşumu [Break All Rules: Punk Rock and the Making of a Style], Schoenberg Remembered: Diaries and Recollections, 1938-76 and Tropical Truth: A Story of Music and Revolution in Brazil. He aims to touch upon three different periods mentioned in these books via the language of sound and music in the performance at SALT Beyoğlu. The event will be performed by three musicians who play around an electro-acoustic structure.
Murat Opus produces projects in the field of Live Conduction and electro-acoustic music. As a musician, who is also interested in the relationship of music alongside other art disciplines, he has been working on local and international projects.
Musician Meriç Demirkol started to produce projects in the field of jazz music after 1990. He continues his musical activities in İstanbul.
Musician Levent Özer graduated from İstanbul Bilgi University Music Department. He continues his musical activities in İstanbul.
In his project, Opus engages in a dialogue with the following three books from the Hüseyin Bahri Alptekin Collection: Punk - Bir Altkültürün Oluşumu [Break All Rules: Punk Rock and the Making of a Style], Schoenberg Remembered: Diaries and Recollections, 1938-76 and Tropical Truth: A Story of Music and Revolution in Brazil. He aims to touch upon three different periods mentioned in these books via the language of sound and music in the performance at SALT Beyoğlu. The event will be performed by three musicians who play around an electro-acoustic structure.
Murat Opus produces projects in the field of Live Conduction and electro-acoustic music. As a musician, who is also interested in the relationship of music alongside other art disciplines, he has been working on local and international projects.
Musician Meriç Demirkol started to produce projects in the field of jazz music after 1990. He continues his musical activities in İstanbul.
Musician Levent Özer graduated from İstanbul Bilgi University Music Department. He continues his musical activities in İstanbul.