"Night and Fog"
Salt Beyoğlu
June 7, 2014 12.00

Still from the film Reed (2014)
Turgay Kural, Turkey, 2014, 21’58”
Turkish with English subtitles
Nuit et Brouillard [Night and Fog]
Alain Resnais, France, 1955, 60’
French with Turkish and English subtitles
*With the participation of the director and/or film crew
Turgay Kural, Turkey, 2014, 21’58”
Turkish with English subtitles
Nuit et Brouillard [Night and Fog]
Alain Resnais, France, 1955, 60’
French with Turkish and English subtitles
*With the participation of the director and/or film crew