Mapping Istanbul
Istanbul, as seen through social and physical maps. Edited by Pelin Derviş and Meriç Öner. Published by Garanti Gallery, Istanbul, 2009.
Mapping Istanbul examines Istanbul’s current boundaries through maps, comparative research and various texts. The book first determines the specific places Istanbul occupies - both in Turkey and the world - vis-à-vis connectivity, demographics and economics. It then analyzes the city’s structure within the framework of headings that are of crucial importance to present-day Istanbul: population and density, economic activity, employment, education, land utilization, transportation, earthquakes, housing, health, social infrastructure, consumption, water, waste and energy.
Contributors: Didem Danış, Zeynep Dörtbudak, Bağış Erten, Haluk Gerçek, Aliye Ahu Gülümser, Murat Güvenç, Mikdat Kadıoğlu, Tuna Kuyucu, Tüzin Baycan Levent, Stephen Lewis, Elif Ocak, Jean-François Pérouse, Zekeriya Polat, Ekin Sanaç, Kadife Şahin, Beyza Üstün, Charles Waldheim, Serpil Öztürk Yakut
Map Design: Superpool
Book Design: Project Projects
Translation: Nazım Dikbaş
To order online: Mapping Istanbul
Mapping Istanbul examines Istanbul’s current boundaries through maps, comparative research and various texts. The book first determines the specific places Istanbul occupies - both in Turkey and the world - vis-à-vis connectivity, demographics and economics. It then analyzes the city’s structure within the framework of headings that are of crucial importance to present-day Istanbul: population and density, economic activity, employment, education, land utilization, transportation, earthquakes, housing, health, social infrastructure, consumption, water, waste and energy.
Contributors: Didem Danış, Zeynep Dörtbudak, Bağış Erten, Haluk Gerçek, Aliye Ahu Gülümser, Murat Güvenç, Mikdat Kadıoğlu, Tuna Kuyucu, Tüzin Baycan Levent, Stephen Lewis, Elif Ocak, Jean-François Pérouse, Zekeriya Polat, Ekin Sanaç, Kadife Şahin, Beyza Üstün, Charles Waldheim, Serpil Öztürk Yakut
Map Design: Superpool
Book Design: Project Projects
Translation: Nazım Dikbaş
To order online: Mapping Istanbul