![Wael Shawky, Cabaret Crusades: The Path to Cairo (2012) Wael Shawky’nin <i>Cabaret Crusades: The Path to Cairo</i> [Kabare Haçlı Seferleri: Kahire’ye Giden Yol] (2012) videosundan bir kare
Varşova Modern Sanat Müzesi’nin izniyle](/directus/media/thumbnails/web_wael-shawky_cabaret-crusades_2012-jpg-780-5000-false.jpg)
Video still from Wael Shawky’s Cabaret Crusades: The Path to Cairo (2012)
Courtesy Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
Courtesy Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
SALT Beyoğlu, Walk-in Cinema
Sebastian Cichocki, Galit Eilat, Köken Ergun, Ayşe Çavdar
Organized in parallel with the opening of Rainbow in the Dark at SALT Galata, this conversation will delve further into references and ideas raised by the artworks found in the exhibition.
Rainbow in the Dark opens an investigation into contemporary art from a post-secular perspective, and aims to challenge the outdated opposition of the religious and secular, while looking for the divine and irrational beyond the horizon of modernity. It considers the power of popular religious imagination and how artists relate to the influence of its symbols and materialisations in everyday aesthetic and political life.
One of the major phenomena in contemporary society is the growing influence of monotheistic religious practices. Radical movements in Islam, Christianity and Judaism appear to penetrate ever-widening areas of social life, to the point where they threaten the more traditional understanding of religion. Additionally, we can observe how social movements stem from religious groups or turn towards religion in order to gain political power in different parts of the world, including South and North America, Poland and Turkey.
Rainbow in the Dark is realized with the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw and curated by Sebastian Cichocki and Galit Eilat in collaboration with SALT.
The conversation will be held in English.
Sebastian Cichocki is Deputy Director at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw.
Galit Eilat is a freelance curator. She is the co-curator of the current São Paulo Biennial.
Köken Ergun is an artist based in İstanbul. His video installation Ashura (2012) is included in the exhibition Rainbow in the Dark.
Ayşe Çavdar is a journalist and a guest lecturer at various universities.
The exhibition Rainbow in the Dark is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland, as part of the cultural program celebrating the 600th anniversary of Polish-Turkish diplomatic relations throughout 2014.
Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Wydarzenie realizowane w ramach programu kulturalnego obchodów 600-lecia polsko-tureckich stosunków dyplomatycznych w 2014 roku.