Still from Them (2007)
SALT Beyoğlu, Walk-in Cinema
Them (2007)
Artur Żmijewski
26 minutes (looped)
Polish; English subtitles
Artur Żmijewski organized a workshop to which he invited four groups representing divergent ideological mindsets: members of nationalist Młodzież Wszechpolska (All-Polish Youth), women strongly attached to the Catholic Church, young Polish Jews and leftist activists. Participants of the workshop were given the task of negotiating the shape of their common space without words, and in so doing unveiled how ideological controversy arose and posed questions about the possibility of coexistence of bipolar opposites in the social space.
This screening is realized in the context of the exhibition Rainbow in the Dark at SALT Galata until January 18, 2015, organized in collaboration with the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw.