Still from So-Called Waves and Other Phenomena of the Mind (2003-2004)
SALT Beyoğlu, Walk-in Cinema
So-Called Waves and Other Phenomena of the Mind (2003-2004)
Paweł Althamer, Artur Żmijewski
86 minutes
Polish; English subtitles
This series of films recorded with fellow artist Artur Żmijewski, recall Paweł Althamer’s student-era work. The films document Althamer exploring various ways of non-rational cognition, which he deems to be a means of broadening human perception, using mind-altering substances (LSD, peyote, hashish, the truth serum) or hypnosis.
This screening is realized in the context of the exhibition Rainbow in the Dark at SALT Galata until January 18, 2015, organized in collaboration with the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw.