Screening: A Pilgrimage
Salt Beyoğlu
November 23, 2014 17.00 – 18.00

Still from A Pilgrimage (2003)
SALT Beyoğlu, Walk-in Cinema
A Pilgrimage (2003)
Paweł Althamer, Artur Żmijewski
30 minutes (looped)
Polish; English subtitles
In November 2003, Paweł Althamer and Artur Żmijewski took part in a traditional pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Mixing with the devout, the two artists visit and film landmark sites of Christian and Jewish martyrdom.
This screening is realized in the context of the exhibition Rainbow in the Dark at SALT Galata until January 18, 2015, organized in collaboration with the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw.