November 23, 2024

Who makes and sells
the “sound of İstanbul”?

Salt Beyoğlu

December 6, 2011 18.30

Alper Maral
SALT Beyoğlu 2. Floor

Alper Maral is a composer and musicologist focusing on literal and political connotations in music. He teaches at Yıldız Teknik, Galatasaray, Marmara and İstanbul Bilgi Universities as a composer, performer and lecturer, and has contributed to numerous international events including festivals and conferences; co-founded and directed academic and artistic associations; and received international commissions, prizes and residencies. He composes primarily for stage and screen, focusing on small ensembles and electro-acoustic environments. His book Techniques of 20th-century Turkish “Contemporary” Music: An Introductory Survey (with Mark Lindley) was published by Pan, İstanbul in 2011. In his talk at SALT Beyoğlu, Maral will critically examine the recent phenomenon of the term “sound of İstanbul” and its conceptual, artistic, economic and political implications.

The talk will be held in Turkish.