Thursday Cinema
Salt Beyoğlu
March 5 – June 25, 2015
![Still from the film Shìjiè [The World] (2004) <i>Shìjiè</i> [Dünya] (2004) filminden bir kare ©Tamasa Distribution](/directus/media/thumbnails/shijie-the-world-jpg-780-5000-false.jpg)
Still from the film Shìjiè [The World] (2004) ©Tamasa Distribution
Introduced last fall, SALT continues its weekly Thursday Cinema program, which comprises a selection of films about life in the city. Focusing on the mandates of city life over environment, individuals, and society, this program includes a selection of international feature and documentary films. Various genres of film, from broad geographies and time spans, will be screened in the Walk-in Cinema at SALT Beyoğlu on Thursdays at 19.00, during March-June and September-December.
Throughout 2015, Thursday Cinema will feature 33 screenings. The March-June program will include international films set in various city backgrounds. The fall screenings will present a selection of 1980s Turkish cinema classics, focusing on issues of fast urbanization and spatial segregation in the politically charged climate of the time. Comprising 12 films, these selections will be screened in parallel to How did we get here?, a project that encompasses exhibitions and other programs that focus on overlooked moments of the 1980s in Turkey. In December, the program will be close with a final selection of international features and documentaries
The March-June program opens with Shìjiè [The World], set in Beijing World Park, nurturing the idea of seeing the world without ever leaving the city. Following this, the first documentary is The Pruitt-Igoe Myth, which investigates the social housing blocks based in St. Louis, Missouri, which were serially imploded in the 1970s to become a universal symbol of failure for all similar projects. The program will approach different genres of film, including Pom Poko, an animated story about Japanese raccoons threatened under fast-paced urbanization, and an Éric Rohmer classic, Les rendez-vous de Paris [Rendezvous in Paris].
Throughout 2015, Thursday Cinema will feature 33 screenings. The March-June program will include international films set in various city backgrounds. The fall screenings will present a selection of 1980s Turkish cinema classics, focusing on issues of fast urbanization and spatial segregation in the politically charged climate of the time. Comprising 12 films, these selections will be screened in parallel to How did we get here?, a project that encompasses exhibitions and other programs that focus on overlooked moments of the 1980s in Turkey. In December, the program will be close with a final selection of international features and documentaries
The March-June program opens with Shìjiè [The World], set in Beijing World Park, nurturing the idea of seeing the world without ever leaving the city. Following this, the first documentary is The Pruitt-Igoe Myth, which investigates the social housing blocks based in St. Louis, Missouri, which were serially imploded in the 1970s to become a universal symbol of failure for all similar projects. The program will approach different genres of film, including Pom Poko, an animated story about Japanese raccoons threatened under fast-paced urbanization, and an Éric Rohmer classic, Les rendez-vous de Paris [Rendezvous in Paris].
March 5 Jia Zhangke, Shìjiè [The World], 2004
March 12 Chad Freidrichs, The Pruitt-Igoe Myth, 2011
March 19 Mira Nair, Salaam Bombay!, 1988
March 26 Peter von Bagh, Helsinki, ikuisesti [Helsinki, Forever], 2008
April 2 Mikhail Kalatozov, Soy Cuba [I Am Cuba], 1964
April 9 Tran Anh Hung, Xích Lô [Cyclo], 1995
April 16 Ian Cheney, Truck Farm, 2011
April 23* Isao Takahata, Pom Poko, 1994
April 30 Éric Rohmer, Les rendez-vous de Paris [Rendezvous in Paris], 1995
May 7 Anand Patwardhan, Hamara Shahar [Bombay, Our City], 1985
May 14 Juraj Krasnohorský, Tigre v meste [Tigers in the City], 2012
May 21 Anna-Karin Grönroos, Ecopolis China, 2013
May 28 Francesco Rosi, Le mani sulla città [Hands Over the City], 1963
June 4 Massoud Bakhshi, Tehran Anar Nadarad! [Tehran Has No More Pomegranates!], 2006
June 11 Patrick Keiller, London, 1994
June 18 Special screening in the scope of Documentarist 2015
June 25 Aysim Türkmen, Çekmeköy Underground [Arabesque Underground], 2014
* Pom Poko will be screened twice on April 23, at 15.00 dubbed in Turkish; English subtitles, and at 19.00 with original Japanese dubbing; English and Turkish subtitles.
Every screening features Turkish and/or English subtitles with original sound. Program is free. Reservations are not accepted. Please keep informed of any possible schedule changes at and SALT Online Facebook page.
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