World Architecture Day
Talk, Screening, Conversation, and Urban Walk
Salt Galata, Salt Beyoğlu
October 7 – October 12, 2024

Demolitions in Karaköy, 1958
Salt Research, Photograph and Postcard Archive
Salt Research, Photograph and Postcard Archive
Salt is organizing a series of programs on the occasion of World Architecture Day, observed on the first Monday of October since 1985.
Demolition and construction have been central themes of modernism since the 19th century. Shaped by various decision-making processes, these practices play a crucial role in transforming the built environment and hold particular importance in architectural and urban studies.
This year’s program, titled “Demolition and Reconstruction,” comprises a talk, screening, conversation, and an urban walk. As part of the program, photographer Francesca Dal Chele’s archive will also be launched at Recently added to the City, Society, and Economy Archive at Salt Research, the collection documents the urban transformation in Tarlabaşı from 2014 to 2023 and highlights the disenfranchised residents of the neighborhood.
The program is realized with the support of Kalebodur and will be held in Turkish.
Demolition and construction have been central themes of modernism since the 19th century. Shaped by various decision-making processes, these practices play a crucial role in transforming the built environment and hold particular importance in architectural and urban studies.
This year’s program, titled “Demolition and Reconstruction,” comprises a talk, screening, conversation, and an urban walk. As part of the program, photographer Francesca Dal Chele’s archive will also be launched at Recently added to the City, Society, and Economy Archive at Salt Research, the collection documents the urban transformation in Tarlabaşı from 2014 to 2023 and highlights the disenfranchised residents of the neighborhood.
The program is realized with the support of Kalebodur and will be held in Turkish.